

Street View: Bicycles, Motorbikes and other odd vehicles from May 2013

Video begins with careless car driver who ignores the man on bicycle, but ....

Cyclists are the threat, even when they obey the rules. Of course, they rarely do so. Switching from driveway to the pavement, riding in opposite direction,... Red light, what is that? And when they decide to obey the red light, they sneak to the start of the line, so to hamper and slow down everybody else. Something's got to change.

Speeding bikers are common place already.
Bicikli, motocikli i druga čudne vozila iz maja 2013
Video počinje neopreznim vozačem automobila koji ignoriše čoveka na biciklu, ali ....

Biciklisti su pretnja, čak i kada poštuju pravila. Naravno, to retko rade. Prebacivanje sa kolovoza na trotoar, vožnja u suprotnom smeru, ... Crveno svetlo, šta je to? A kada odluče da poštuju crveno svetlo, uvuku se na početak reda, tako da ometaju i usporavaju sve ostale. Nešto mora da se promeni.

Prebrza vožnja bajkera je već opšte mesto.