Danilo, Srdjan & VladanMovies @ 100% improvized jam (1st rehearsal)

The First Rehearsal (Jam) Part I (part 2 was not recorded)
There are 4 main parts:

01. 00:00
02. 01:22
03. 10:17
04. 19:58

Danilo - Guitar, TRIO pedal
Srdjan - Flute, Bariton Sax
VladanMovies - Guitar

Everything is totaly inprovised. Danilo plays something into TRIO pedal, withoput explanation, not even the key and we work from there according to what we hear and own abilities.

To distinguish between two guitars:
- Danilo's sound is more open, both clean or distorted, without much additional FX. He was much further from the microphone, so there is somewhat less bass in recording.
- VladanMovies' sound is muddier, somewhat more bass due proximity to the microphone, as well as the fact he played through an bass amp and has quite a bit of chorus/ flanger FX on top.

Everything Recorded by iPhone4 Camcorder