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+1000 (VM 044) VM Guitar: Angel Eyes variation/ VladanMovies Pointless driving around Belgrade inner & outer rings
#vmGuitar #BelgradeSucks #ProjekatLesly #VladanMovies
Thanks to wizard3739
for providing chords in written
Angel Eyes, Jazz Standard, cover, Jazz Blues, Timelapse: POV Driving 2013 May, VladanMovies
One shot, Timelapse Video
POV Pointless driving around Belgrade inner and outter rings.
Dorcol, Palilula, Vracar, Vozdovac, Jajinci, Obilaznica, Obrenovacki, Ostruznica, Makis, Banovo Brdo, Novi Beograd, Sava Mala, Centar ....
Muzika: Angel Eyes ( Jazz, Blues, Standard ).