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VM Guitar : The Black Cat Mistery/ fingerpicking, GP10 Nylon, - octave on 3 low strings/ neck PU
#vmGuitar : The Black Cat Mistery (fingerpicking)
- Charvel Desolation, active neck PU, together with
- Boss GP10 Modeling Acoustic, Nylon, Body 25, Att 52, Tone 100, Vol 83, 12 Str On, User, Strings EAD -12 GBE 0, Fine EAD +2 GBE -2, Dly 5 6 9 14 10 18, Pan C R4 L4 R8 R4 L4,
through GP10 Effects
- compressor,Mild,Sus70, Att9,Tone+2,Lev50;
- amp Modeling Clean Twin,Gain25, Level75,EQ50, Presence30,Bright On,T-comp-2, Speaker Original,Mic Dyn57,On Mic,5cm,Mic lev100,Dir Lev12;
- NS,Thrsh70,Rel30;
- chorus,Stereo 1,Rate16,Depth48,Pre dly7,LoCut250, HiCut1.6K,E lvl10,D lvl67;
- delay,Reverse,400ms,Fbck25,HiCut1.25,Elvl30,Dlvl 100;
- reverb,Ambience,2.5s,PreDl25ms,LoCut800,HiCut3.15,Dens10,Elvl18,Dlvl100;
- Mix bal M100:100N
Recorded directly to Redmi Note 9 phone camera application via analog iRig 1.
Audio mastering by Band Lab preset.
Video editing in You Cut.